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While I was prepared for my mom to throw a few bucks in the hat, I wasn’t ready for the result: $500 in 48 hours.


The next day, in the pool with my new friend, Caroline, who I got to know after swimming into her lane several times during practice, I jokingly gave her a nickname: wave maker. The reason? When she passes me (we tend to share a lane), she makes a wave, shooting even more chlorinated water down my throat.

“I am a wave maker. Are you?” Caroline asked. If I raised $1000, then I could become a wave maker, help even more, and have the option to swim up to 3 miles.

Caroline’s dedication inspired me, and so I made several more requests.  A few days later, my partner, Yvette, and I were paddleboarding on the Rehoboth Bay, when Yvette suggested I could swim across the bay (just over a mile, roughly).

It was my fifth time paddleboarding, Yvette’s first.

Just like I did when signing up for SAA, I stopped all rationale thought, jumped off my board, grabbed my goggles and swim cap, and starting swimming across the Bay, with Yvette to my left on the paddle board.

On my swim across, I stopped several times to catch my breath, and took in more salt water than I care to think about, but I made it!

Then, out of nowhere, I felt a giant fish, as my hand went across the water.

“Fish! Big fish. Big fish in the water,” I shouted out at Yvette, who quickly instructed me to turn onto my back.

As I did, I saw panic in her eyes (little did I know she thought it was a shark) and realized I needed to calm myself, so I started chanting.

 Find out if it was a shark tomorrow….

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